Best Techniques of Search Engine Optimization


Best Techniques of Search Engine Optimization

What is SEO?


What is SEO


This is the most important question for every business that What is SEO or what are the best methods of SEO so website or business or website can rank on top of SERP. As you definitely know, What is SEO means “Search Engine Optimization“, the craft of positioning high on web search tools naturally. Search engine optimization is the process of boosting the quality and capacity of website traffic by developing the visibility of a website or a web page to users of a web search engine. SEO refers to the improvement of free-willed results and excludes direct traffic/visitors and the investment of paid placement.

There are four main big areas inside SEO. Let’s dive into it.


1. ON-Page SEO: –

Google makes thousands of changes to its algorithms every year, this data tells us that in 2018 Google made 3234 updates. Along with the changing behavior of users impossible to keep pace with Google’s frequent changes, but what will still help you or your website keep an upper hand is On-Page SEO.

So when we talk about What is SEO then On-page SEO optimizes plays an important role in your web pages to rank higher and achieve more consistent traffic. One universal on-page SEO proceeding is to develop titles and meta descriptions. For example, if I search for “home-based exercises for weight loss”, an article titled “best exercises to lose weight at home”, along with an explanation that repeats the same keywords, appears up first on Google.

It goes without saying that the page is well optimized for search engines, and is also earning relevant traffic. Not only the title and description but the entire content is well optimized for the search engines as well as the users.

Establishing keywords within the content helps search engines and users understand the content more rapidly. That doesn’t mean you feel the necessity to data of keywords into your content; it commonly means that you demand to make your content applicable to user inquiries.


Stairs of On-Page SEO:



First of when we talk about What is SEO so while doing SEO this is the first step that we need to initiate as we should choose our Title related to our brand or products because the Title which we choose should address our keywords and it is compulsory that the first title should be a keyword, but after that, we could change it accordingly.



Permalink is an important part of Title as when we first write the Title then it set accordingly and even if we change the title name after that then also permalink would be same so thinking twice before the created title of your page as permalink gets created by the first name of the title.



This is the place where you will describe your topics or details about your page so once you choose keywords for an individual page that you need to write a complete paragraph that conveys the information about the topics which you want to share on your website page.

So, whether you are making a blog, service, or E-commerce website page it is very necessary that page description or paragraph should be in details format by that if someone is reading that then it should be more understandable so they could understand the content which you want to make them understand it should be detailed description including keywords, images, inbound and outbound link.



The next steps for our page SEO are Heading, as there are different types of Headings like H1, H2, H3, H4, etc… can be used so you can set Heading of description as per the requirement so we need to select Heading type and also to add topics and subtopics of the paragraph.


On a website, images play a very important role so whenever you upload any images should be optimized and should be in a good quality format that explains your topics of content so everyone can also understand your website page content by images also.



Keywords are a very most important part of any webpages because whenever anybody searching about his query on a search engine i.e., Google so google shows result as per input keywords. So, it is very important that we should choose keywords wisely.


Keyword Density:

We should take care of the density of keywords while writing a paragraph so the density should also be optimized.


SEO Analysis:


After we complete all the above steps ON-page SEO so with the help of the SEO tool we can analyze the result & also we can do corrections if it is needed.


2. Technical SEO: –

Technical SEO stabilizes the kernels and fasteners of our website. It’s an element of on-page SEO. It adds 404 errors, page speed, duplex content, etc.

Technical SEO is an approach that boosts your website’s content, design, and code framework to help search engines explore, crawl, and index your site’s pages.


Page Speed

Speed is of paramount importance when it comes to our website. This is a fact why? First of all, website speed is one of the most important factors in Google’s algorithm. A fast-loading website can live up to the culmination of ranking high in SERPs and attracting more visitors. If a site loads quickly, visitors are more likely to stay around and read the content and eventually convert. In other words, a flamboyant website unlocks everything that webmasters crave. What we find from the study is that users leave all sites that take more than 3 seconds to load. Google’s current directive favors all websites that take 3 seconds or less to load. That is why it is mandatory for the users to have speed in the website.


Equivalent or Missing Content

The problem of dualistic content appears when there is higher than one version of a page listed by the search engine. Duplicity can be both onsite and offsite: Onsite duplicity is when the same content is seen on various pages within a Web page and offsite duplicity is when the content on your site is similar to that on some other site. Twin content within the same site makes it difficult for a search engine to determine which page to rank. Equal content means the same content is accessible from various URLs. Search engines can’t acknowledge which URL to display, and the problem gets worse when users start linking to different URLs with the same content. As a result, it powerfully crushes your site’s ranking, which drives to less traffic.


Error 404 or Dead Links

A broken link is a link on a web page that doesn’t work if someone who uses it clicks on that link, they are directed to a 404 or error message on the corrupted page. Links can be broken for a variety of reasons, including URL mistyped, web page not being online and or page URL changed, or access to restricted links.

The basic premise of technical SEO is to keep your website up to date and free from duplicate content and broken links.


3. Off-Page SEO:


What is SEO


On-page SEO works inside our website, while off-page SEO work outside the website. Off-page SEO work is related to those tasks which help in giving a better ranking of own website in SERPs.

SEO often begins with On-Page Optimization like Meta Tags, Quality content, Page Speed and Keywords…etc. After this, you’ll be able to proceed with Off-Page Optimization.

Off-Page Optimization aspects include SEO essentials to ranking well in search engines, like backlinks, and they’re huge parts of any digital marketing strategy.

Off-page SEO is tremendously valuable because it tells search engines that your website is very important to others on the net. Every link that you just receive acts as an endorsement from another source that your website is quality. This lets external sources act as tie-breakers for websites that have the identical quality of on-page SEO so programs know the most effective to rank websites on search engine results pages (SERPs).


Importance of Off-Page SEO:


It is important for a sign of how Google perceives your website. it’s about your reference from different sites, your notices in online networking, you’re bookmarked, and sharing among networks.

It is significant for more business exposure. Higher positioning brings more connections, more visits, and increasingly online networking makes respect to. It grows up continuously and never goes down.

Off-page optimization of Google bots helps to rank higher in computer program result pages. A high rank within the search results means higher traffic to the website.

Google takes under consideration many off-page factors when deciding if and where to rank web content. Links are one of those factors, but there are many others.

For that reason, it’s challenging to rank on the merit of your content alone.


Most Effective Off-Page Techniques:


  • Link Building
  • Social Media Optimization/Marketing
  • High-Quality Bookmarking


Link building: quality is far better than quantity. what percentage links are pointing to your website isn’t that important but where the link is coming to your page matters plenty. The natural link is links pointing to your website and artificial links are tricks of black hat SEO. Artificial links increase the danger of getting a manual or algorithmic penalty from the computer program. it’s better to make natural links to your website.


Social media: it’s vital to keep up a social profile properly. it’s also a variety of link building. Most of the links we get from social media are no-follow links but worth gaining ranking factor and help to spice up SEO.


Social bookmarking: it’s a decent thanks to driving traffic to your website. betting on your niche be told your best websites to push your content. Delicious, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Digg, Diego, Scoop are a number of the most effective sites for this purpose.


Some Best Link Building Techniques:


  • Link form Authoritative Sites


  • Build Do-Follow links


  • Blog Posting


  • Guest Blogging


  • High-Quality Bookmarking Submissions


  • Classified Submissions


  • Video Submissions


  • Infographics


  • PPT and PDF Submissions etc.…


Search engine optimization means overall optimization of the website in terms of upper popularity, better program ranking, and reputation. On-page optimization and off-page optimization are equally important for a successful SEO campaign. In my view, it’s better to undertake to urge links from hard-to-get places because it’ll have more value.

If your website design and development is correct, and you’re promoting it the right way, you may automatically get followers and traffic.

What are the advantages of off-page activities in SEO?

Off-page optimization may be a necessary aspect to urge your sites ranked because this can be the sole way Google or the other computer program for that matter gets an authority signal that your content is efficacious to the readers.


Benefits of Off-page SEO


  • Online branding
  • Growth of reach
  • Increase in domain authority
  • Better program ranking
  • Increase in referral and social traffic


Below are three major benefits of off-page SEO:


  • Increase your SERP
  • Increase your PageRank
  • Increase your website’s Exposure


3. Local SEO: –

Local SEO is a business to attracts a local audience. Users are using Google to find the best things around them. Millions of customers are looking for a local business each day. Without a booming local business SEO existence, you are dropping out on beneficial advantages, traffic, and marketing opportunities.

What is Local Search Engine Optimization; let’s get a little bit about it.

Local SEO is the process of improving the local search casualness of small and medium-sized businesses and geographic areas.

Local SEO helps us find and grow our business in few primary ways.

Local SEO increases the ranking of our website in the Local Map list.

Local SEO helps mobile users find their business easily.

Local SEO Makes Sure Your Business is found on Google Maps and Through Other Navigational Apps.



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